I thought this was off the road for me and apprenticeships until I was approached by someone from a training provider who offered me an interview. I took a gamble and went to it, and they allowed me to complete my apprenticeship with them.
It was refreshing, I was working with a team that I got along with my boss was nice. However, the issue here was being overworked and being buried under mountains of paperwork.
In the end, after my apprenticeship, I was taken on as a full-time employee. But I was burnt out, I was done with training providers, and I wanted out of the education sector. From my two experiences in education, I no longer wanted a part of this world.
Don’t me wrong, I’ve learned so much during my time at these two places and my skills were at a high standard and I was a well-trained administrator. I even ended up being friends with two of the people that I worked with at the last place I was with. I am happy to report, that one is now a mother of 2 kids, with her own business and my other friend is now in a much better workplace. There is some light to this darkness
So, what did I do after this place? I found a job as an Administrative Assistant at a trading company, and everything about this place was good, they had a nice workplace in the city, they had a nice work environment and for a year everything seemed like it was going well.
Too well.
I do wonder if I had done something to someone in another lifetime because who has this much bad luck?
Long story short, it turns out this company was doing Illegal activities and the FCA came down on them hard for being unregulated. It really was an experience being questioned by the police for something I was unaware of. I had another contract job, which was an odd one. It involved a lot of calling and a certain number of calls had to be hit or you’d be called out in front of everyone. (I was a victim of this)
Then I found myself back to square one, at the age of 22. Well, what do I do now?
This is when I felt like I was having a midlife crisis and decided to go to university. I picked a subject that seemed interesting and went for it: Sociology. Can you guess what I want to do with this degree?
That’s right, become a teacher. But no, not for primary school just when you think it couldn’t get worse, I thought I could teach at a college level.
So, this is how I started my degree which happened when the lockdown first happened, after hearing how much everyone liked University, I felt like I was robbed of my experience. We did everything through teams, I barely knew the people in my class, and I became more of an introvert than I already was.
I found very quickly that I needed money and needed to find a part-time job. It was hard to find something during this time, no one was hiring & the people who were wanted full-time workers, not part-time ones. Then came my shining knight in armour, my friend Annie. I met her at my last workplace. She knew I was looking for something, and she happened to be working freelance at a training provider. I was ready to say no. As I said before I was done with training organisations.
I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I had the experience, so it made sense, but did I want to go through this again? No.