Apprenticeship Fact Sheets

Downloadable Apprenticeship Fact Sheets: helping you make the right training choice

There are hundreds of apprenticeship options across the UK.

On this page we’re building a library of the most popular apprenticeship training for EDA businesses, so please bear with us as we add more Fact Sheets.

Apprentices can be any age from 16+, there is no upper age limit

Apprenticesehips are for new staff and your existing team

Apprenticeships start at Level 2 (GCSE) and go through to Level 7 (Master’s degree)

There are almost 700  apprenticeships to choose from across a wide range of job roles

Downloadable guide to the Apprenticeship Service
Apprenticeship Guide for EDA Affiliates
Downloadable guide to the Apprenticeship Service
Help & advice 020 3141 7358

Two-page overviews of the most popular apprenticeships for EDA businesses

Click on the image to download a two-page PDF fact sheet. Each one gives an overview of the apprenticeship, your role as Manager, duration of the course and how the EDA Apprenticeship Plus Hosting Service works, and more.

Level 2 Apprenticeship Fact Sheets: Level 2 is equivalent to 5 GCSE passes, and is also referred to as an intermediate apprenticeship
Customer Service Practitioner Level 2 (England)
Customer-Service_Fact Sheet
Accounts Finance Assistant Level 2 (England)
Accounts Finance_Fact Sheet
Trade Supplier Level 2 (England)
Trade-Supplier-Fact Sheet
Supply Chain Operative Level 2 (England)
Level 3 Apprenticeship Fact Sheets: Level 3 is equivalent to 2 A Level passes, and is also referred to as an advanced apprenticeship
Business Administrator Level 3 (England)
Business-Administration_Fact Sheet
Level 3 Multi-channel Marketer (England)
Level-3-Multi-channel-Marketer_Fact Sheet
Team Leader Level 3 (England)
Team_Leader-Fact Sheet
Assistant Accountant Level 3 (England)
Assistant Accountant Apprenticeship Level 3
Level 3 Data Technician (England)