Putting recent recruits onto an apprenticeship: how much does it cost?

On this page you’ll find a guide to costs for a selection of apprenticeships. At the EDA we support apprentices earning at least the National Minimum Wage, but this is a guide and you can pay more if you wish.
The costs below have been updated to show the National Minimum Wage as at 1 April 2024.
**From April 2024, apprentices under the age of 22 are fully funded.

Trade Supplier Apprentice - for a recent recruit to your team: 40 hours a week

This is a Level 2 apprenticeship. Level 2 is equivalent to 5 GCSE passes, and is also referred to as an Intermediate apprenticeship. 

In England, apprenticeships are available at Intermediate, Advanced, Higher, and Degree level. 
Age / National Min Wage as at April 2023Management Fee for the EDA Apprenticeships Plus serviceYour 5% contribution to training fee (£4,000 training fee is 95% funded by government)Total Annual Apprenticeship Cost (example)
Age Under 18: £256.00 a week or £6.40 per hour£1,331£0**14,643
Age 18-20: £344.00 a week or £8.60 per hour£1,788£0**19,679
Age 21+: £457.60 a week or £11.44 per hour£2,379£200£26,283

Supply Chain/Warehouse Apprentice - for a recent recruit to your team: 40 hours a week

This is a Level 2 apprenticeship. Level 2 is equivalent to 5 GCSE passes, and is also referred to as an Intermediate apprenticeship. 

In England, apprenticeships are available at Intermediate, Advanced, Higher, and Degree level. 
Age / National Min Wage as at April 2023Management Fee for the EDA Apprenticeships Plus serviceYour 5% contribution to training fee (£3,000 training fee is 95% funded by government)Total Annual Apprenticeship Cost (example)
Age Under 18: £256.00 a week or £6.40 per hour£1,557£150£17,286
Age 18-20: £344.00 a week or £8.60 per hour£2,117£150£23,441
Age 21+: £457.60 a week or £11.44 per hour£2,167£150£23,990

Customer Service Practitioner Apprentice - for a recent recruit to your team 40 hours a week

This is a Level 2 apprenticeship. Level 2 is equivalent to 5 GCSE passes, and is also referred to as an Intermediate apprenticeship. 

In England, apprenticeships are available at Intermediate, Advanced, Higher, and Degree level. 
Age / National Min Wage as at April 2023Management Fee for the EDA Apprenticeships Plus serviceYour 5% contribution to training fee (£3,500 training fee is 95% funded by government)Total Annual Apprenticeship Cost (example)
Age Under 18: £256.00 a week or £6.40 per hour£1,331£0**£14,643
Age 18-20: £344.00 a week or £8.60 per hour£1,788£0**£19,676
Age 21+: £457.60 a week or £11.44 per hour£2,379£175£26,349