Practical Guidance for Electrical Wholesale Branches

COVID-19 & Social Distancing: Practical Guidance for Electrical Wholesale Branches

Version 5, issued Tuesday 2 February 2021, now available to download.

With the help of a panel of experts from EDA member wholesalers, this downloadable guide provides information for electrical wholesalers in the operation of a typical branch during COVID-19 and social distancing.

This guidance is based on the latest advice from government, and from the Construction Leadership Council’s (CLC) Site Operating Procedures (SOP), which you can also download from this website.

Please note that this guidance does not replace your company’s existing health and safety guidance or policy. The practical guidance and advice it offers is specifically for use during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Access the government’s guidance “Keeping workers and customers safe during coronavirus (COVID-19) in shops and branches”

Access to Government Guidance for people who work in, from or run

With thanks to the following for supplying content and images for this publication