After the internet went mainstream in 1991, the ability to share and access information at the click of a button was made a reality. The creator of the world-changing platform Mr Tim Berners-Lee’s aim was to provide a solution for the collation of academic research. However, the potential was soon put to use with the first secure retail transaction over the internet (of a Sting CD) occurring just three years later.
Therefore, the days where businesses only had the opportunity to position and promote their products/services through shop windows, printed posters/catalogues/leaflets and even via word of mouth of a sales representative, were soon over. Organisations now had the ability to utilise the emerging technology to display an unlimited amount and better quality of information.
The world of B2C eCommerce has set the bar for ‘expected’ product information a consumer seeks when purchasing. However, it could be argued that B2B buyers demand more details on the products they desire, for example, a tradesperson would benefit from having a 360 degree view of the item they intend to purchase, as well as the specific dimensions and technical specifications, to ensure a successful application of that product.
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