
EDA Data Quality Working Group

April 13, 2021

Quality of product data is central to the EDA’s digitalisation activity.  Data loaded into EDATA is measured against carefully formulated quality standards and, subject to conformance, categorised as Gold, Silver of Bronze quality level.  The team are working closely with manufacturers with the aim of achieving Gold quality data for as many as possible.

Developing this theme further, the EDA has formed a Data Quality Working Group comprising data experts from across the industry including George Brickwood (Schneider), Matt Burton (Signify), Steve Mortlock (CEF), Phil Thompson (NG Bailey), Stuart Squires (Comma Group), Dave Bate (BMF), Javier Garcia and Richard Appleton (both EDA).

The group are currently involved in creating and publishing best practice standards for various aspects of product data including product descriptions and images.  Other subjects under discussion include understanding buyers’ data requirements, the need for an industry-wide unique product identification code and the impact of the CPA’s Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI).  The outcome of these discussions will be further recommendations and advice for the sector.