In 2018 there was a jump of 32 per cent in apprentices already in training – or about to start – in EDA member and affiliate businesses up and down the UK, compared with the same time in 2017 (450 vs 341).
Interest in EDA Apprenticeship generated a 27 per cent increase in enquiries to the EDA in 2018. That’s 782 enquiries between January and November 2018, compared with 618 for the same time in 2017.
As you may know, apprenticeship set-up and funding is different in each of the four nations, but our partners at EDA Apprenticeships
Plus offer a UK-wide service. Their experts can help you make the most of the options.
Most businesses that use our service are wholesalers, but there is nothing to stop our affiliated members taking advantage of the benefits too.
There are hundreds of apprenticeship subjects and study levels that are a good match for many roles in your business, whether you want to bring in someone new or train the people you already employ. For example, in England there are 969 apprenticeship subjects (called frameworks or standards) on offer, from accountancy through to workplace pensions consultancy and everything in between.
Think beyond entry-level new starters and ask about the degree and post-graduate degree apprenticeships. Apprenticeship options now go up to Level 7 – a master’s degree.
One factor influencing the surge in demand in 2018 was the launch of the new apprenticeship designed by wholesalers for wholesalers – Trade Supplier Level 2. This one-year comprehensive, job-focused, rigorous training programme is entirely relevant to a wholesaler branch. Some apprenticeships focus on warehouse OR trade counter training, but Trade Supplier covers both.
Read more about what’s involved in the Trade Supplier Apprenticeship on the Institute for Apprenticeships website.
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