A huge congratulations to the winners of the 1st EDA Data Awards!
This year the winners were the 12 Gold Circle Members for their dedication to high quality product information:
This year the winners were the 12 Gold Circle Members for their dedication to high quality product information:
At the EDA, we talk a lot about Gold Level, Silver Level, and Bronze Level data, but what does that actually mean?
EDATA, the “by the industry, for the industry data pool”, has minimum data requirements for each SKU before it can be uploaded into the data pool; this means that all the product information in the pool has to comply with the EDATA Standards and Structure. Many manufacturers have found that consistent data improves internal processes too.
For most manufacturers their first upload into EDATA will be shown in their personalised dashboard as “In Development”: the EDA Team works with the manufacturer, giving guidance on how the data can be improved.
The next stage up from “In Development” is “Bronze”; to achieve Bronze Level data the manufacturer needs to complete at least four Master Data fields.
To reach “Silver” Level, eight Master Data fields are needed, including the GTIN (EAN) Codes.
However, moving to “Gold” requires a product image and ETIM data, in addition to 11 populated Master Data fields. Despite the jump up in requirements to reach this level of quality, 12 of our 30 manufacturers, with live data, have reached Gold Status. Upon reaching Gold Level data, the manufacturer joins the Gold Circle and it is these Gold Circle Members that won the first EDA Data Awards held at the Digitalisation Forum on 1 December 2021.
The personalised EDATA dashboard gives an at-a-glance real-time view of exactly which level your data is at, so you can see where improvements are needed.