
12, 53, and 105,000: EDATA in a year

December 10, 2021

2021 has been all about collaboration, giving us some big numbers to shout about. Some manufacturers have their own data teams, and others outsource, but what’s clear is the focus and enthusiasm for driving up product data quality.


Over 105,000 UK products available in EDATA from over 30 different manufacturers.

The EDATA Manufacturers have been on a data drive throughout the year. Their efforts mean we’ve beaten the EDATA target of 100,000 products in the data pool by 31 December 2021. All eyes are on December 2022, and a target of 200,000 SKUs!


53 EDA Affiliate Manufacturers have signed up for EDATA

and that includes 5 more since September 2021, so demand for the data pool’s services is pretty healthy.


12 Manufacturers have reached the Gold data quality standard.

EDATA focuses on quality data not just the number of SKUs; the EDATA Team is here to provide bespoke support to our members whether they need data audits, personalised guidance and advice, or templates and standards. We understand that every company is different.


3 further white papers have been published to help businesses create amazing product descriptions and images– there is also one to get you started on ETIM.

These practical ‘how to’ guides are available to download from the EDA website. There’s 5 in the series, with more coming next year.

Up Next

Behind the scenes developments

– in response to feedback, EDATA has become much more user-friendly, with more options for exporting data and more features. Up next is an API link to automate the flow of data.

Overall, 2021 has seen a huge amount of work from our members, great input from our working groups and excellent engagement from the wider industry. With progress on the platform development, our wholesalers being able to use more and more of the data in EDATA, and further manufacturers signing up, we can’t wait to see what 2022 brings.