To add your details to the waiting list please email Brigette Evans, EDATA Customer Success Manager.
Join us in Birmingham, on Thursday 27 March at 10.30 am – 3.00 pm for this hands-on, Going for Gold Data Quality Workshop.
The session will focus on actively helping you to push your data to Gold Standard. If you can’t make this date, you can find other sessions on the EDA Events Calendar.
Venue: The Studio, 7 Cannon Street, Birmingham B2 5EP
Refreshments: Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Parking: Parking is not available on site. If driving, please follow the link for more parking details.
Late Cancellation clause: as this is an important topic the EDA has committed to cover the cost of this training on behalf of its Members and Affiliates. This does not mean that there is no cost to the training: the EDA is covering the cost of the tutors’ time, training materials, their travel costs, overnight accommodation, as well as all refreshments and lunch for delegates. To enable us to continue to offer this training without charging EDA businesses it has become necessary to introduce a Late Cancellation Clause: if you cancel your place after we have contacted you to reconfirm your attendance (typically about a week before the training) and you are unable to send another colleague from your business, we will invoice you for £100.